15Friends 4Fans
male Athens, OH, United States
idbeholda is
13 years ago 6
ringing in the new year with a beta release of the new version of TT Livescan. www.tot-ltd.org/TT-Lives...
idbeholda is
14 years ago 3
Almost done with the databases for teh scanner... first pull yields this... www.tot-ltd.org/SpywareD...
idbeholda is
14 years ago 1
Wait. What? Singing PM: Fats Putin over the top of Blueberry Hill with piano solo
idbeholda is
14 years ago 19
When I get to the age where I can fake being senile, I'm going to be such a sassy old man.
idbeholda is
14 years ago 10
2 of 7 databases nearly complete. The really sick part, you ask? Cloud database.