xxxxx zaldy says: pada nulis lyric lagu ikutan ah .. The best day of my life is all thanks to you doob
xxxxx zaldy says: harus punya duit 700 ribu sekarang!
xxxx zaldy says: power balence is fake, if you have one you should burn that shit
xxxxx zaldy says: ooowwwwaaaaoooooowaaaa
xxxxx zaldy shouts: everybody says yeeeemmeeeennn
aku ..... *ces ah ces ah*
xxxxx zaldy represent KGA says gays are zombies
ADIZ HAPPY BIRTHDAY YA maaf telat saya baru buka komputer dan tak punya pulsa telfon
mendikasikan malam ini utk essay. HARUS! jgn sampai terpikat oleh yg lain ayolah
filling the demographics application. gua blasteran nih mending east asian atau southeast asian ya