A Mature Child
51Friends 33Fans
female Calgary, AB, Canada
Please be optimistic. :目
Keep smiling I insist.

Don't worry about what they say,
Cuz they got nothing on you, baby. :-)

*Insist the principles to complete myself.*

♥ You don't know you're beautiful.
♥ Je t'aime.
A Mature Child 喜歡
10 years ago 4
A Mature Child
11 years ago
A Mature Child says
11 years ago
I know who I really am.
A Mature Child asks
11 years ago
Why can't you love me?
A Mature Child says
11 years ago
You will always have a place here in my heart.
A Mature Child says
11 years ago
Slow down, look around, and find a guy worth calling yours who'll give you any time of day. :-)
Hunter Hayes - "Wanted" (Official Video)
A Mature Child
11 years ago
哎呀呀最近不小心整個陷入日劇的漩渦了哈哈哈。 (ninja)
A Mature Child 喜歡
11 years ago 1
愛笑的孩子,笑容是最無法抵擋的魅力嘿!! ;-)
A Mature Child 討厭
11 years ago
可惡的蒙特婁銀行虧我還這麼讚揚你們的服務品質結果竟然偷偷扣了我四個月的帳管費,星期五要去理論啦哼哼哼。 (angry)
A Mature Child
11 years ago