Patrick Dawson
77Friends 111Fans
male San Francisco, CA, United States
Patrick Dawson is a journalist and a part-time college professor from San Francisco, California for over 10 years. He loves writing about a variety of topics like cars, lifestyle and technology.
Patrick Dawson shares
10 years ago
Patrick Dawson shares
10 years ago
Products That Can or Can't Be Patented What Can Be Patented? What Can’t? | iPTec Cannes
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10 years ago
Tips to Help You Calculate Market Potential How to calculate the market potential for a new invention?
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10 years ago
Which Patent Form Do You Fill Out?
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10 years ago
The Cost of Patenting an Idea How Much Does it Cost to Patent an Idea?
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10 years ago
Advice for Inventors Who Have an Idea Advice for Inventors with New Product Ideas - Thought Reach
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10 years ago
How Do You Calculate Market Potential? Connecting Site...
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10 years ago
Tips to Filling Out Patent Application Forms Tips for filling out a provisional and non-provisional patent app...
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10 years ago
Patrick Dawson shares
10 years ago
Learn How to Calculate the Market Potential for a New Invention