老闆一直 在說"what do you think so?",到底是那裡有這種英文啊??!
昨天去試xc60,柴油引擎比Golf TDI起步還順一點. 車室內也很安靜,比較大的異音是在上坡起步時會產生.還有就是因為車身高,懸吊也不是太硬,所以坐後座會覺得晃,但除此之外相當不錯,R18的胎在過不平整的路面還是給人舒適的感覺,而安全輔助系統還真的是有高科技的感覺啊!
and the last remember-ers of the dead die in their turn, leaving only what Thomas Hardy called “oblivion’s swallowing sea”.
The yellowing of photographs slide to the back of the drawer; the voices fade;
But the business of memory is also as elusive as water or mist.
Plaques are unveiled on the wall; stone memorials are built in the square; the domed mausoleums rise brick by brick over the city.
The business of memory is a solid and solemn thing.
超豪華早餐: Godiva喜餅+台南包香菇肉包