✎ roan
89Friends 16Fans
female Philippines
→ im a shy person..
→ loving. well.. if u deserve it!
→ im kind.. IF YOU ARE KIND TOO!
→ i can't live without God-fearing..

✎ roan is
13 years ago
inlove with cliford john cruz .. ;-)
✎ roan is
13 years ago
done with lunch . :-))
✎ roan is
13 years ago
off to plurk muna . ( mamumundok ata ang palaka ! ) haha . (highfive)
✎ roan is
13 years ago
wanted boyfriend : pang valentines lang. haha .
✎ roan is
13 years ago 4
suffering from headache . hoho ! :-&
✎ roan is
13 years ago
nid to slip . tired of thinkin' (blush)
✎ roan is
13 years ago 3
go with the flow . pak !
✎ roan is
13 years ago
after lunch . LOL !
✎ roan is
13 years ago
i mis him . :-(
✎ roan is
13 years ago
merienda hapun . !