110Friends 31Fans
male Arsego, Italy
hello..simple, kind, friendly, bubbly, serious, and i guess it's for you to find out what are my other characteristics if you're interested or something.. here's my ym: qt_jazper09 fs: [email protected] multiply: jazzper02.multiply.com
jAzz says
14 years ago
hi im back to plurking how are u guys??
jAzz says
15 years ago
good morning..amf..wala nanamang make-up class..grrrrr
jAzz says
15 years ago 1
good morning folks..
jAzz asks
15 years ago 1
what comes into your mind when you hear the word "GLOBAL WARMING"?? ( needs some help)
jAzz says
15 years ago
good eve
jAzz says
15 years ago
good afternoon...
jAzz says
15 years ago
good morning..
jAzz says
15 years ago
good eve.
jAzz says
15 years ago
iniisip din kaya nia ako??or nagpapaktanga lng ako??haaaayyyy
jAzz says
15 years ago
good afternoon..