18Friends 52Fans
female Lake Elsinore, CA, United States
jeanettejoy is
16 years ago
wondering how long Sheryl will Plurk now Ken's home
jeanettejoy is
16 years ago 1
looking at my life on the line wondering if this is all there is.
jeanettejoy is
16 years ago 1
Plurk looks like a game.
jeanettejoy is
16 years ago 1
exploring plurk. seems like fun but?
jeanettejoy is
16 years ago 1
wondering why anyone plurks...plunks?
jeanettejoy is
16 years ago 1
grateful for inspiring online friends like Sheryl.
jeanettejoy is
16 years ago
Having a party with grad students.
jeanettejoy is
16 years ago
saying hello to the Plurk world! :-)