1Friends 3Fans
female Kerrville, TX, United States
15 years ago
Anger or resentment is like a cancer, and when you let it go untreated, it will put an invisible ceiling on your future.
15 years ago
Kelsey. I wasn't talking about that was pretty pointless.
jordan94tfnd thinks
15 years ago
it's funny how you people have nothing better to do than talk about other people. Seriously get over yourself and move on. lol.
jordan94tfnd thinks
15 years ago
giving will still go on C: <Thanksgiving> <Thinks-giving>
jordan94tfnd hates
15 years ago
jordan94tfnd says
15 years ago
wow apparently not getting involved has a totally new meaning.
jordan94tfnd says
15 years ago
Just got back from the movies C: Had fun. Night love :-P
jordan94tfnd says
15 years ago
Once again. Consiga una vida.
jordan94tfnd says
15 years ago
Lalalla. It's funny how it's thought my life revolves around you.
jordan94tfnd says
15 years ago
School tomorrow C: Oh and jsyk I love you wheels XD Shamwow. Gahhh my arms hurt from being poked by the hospital so many times :'C