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josephpaper says
13 years ago
Rob Bell: "How could that God ever be good?" [Love Wins] Religion Books dld.bz/QTgA
josephpaper says
13 years ago
".. thinkers were already analyzing the dilemmas of homemakers in the 1950s.. " [A Strange Stirring] Feminism Books dld.bz/PvtE
josephpaper says
13 years ago
Mike Huckabee: "Don't Mormons believe that Jesus and the devil are brothers?" [A Simple Government] Books dld.bz/PBaT
josephpaper says
13 years ago
Jennifer Ackerman: The cold may be common but it's still a black hole of an ailment, ill understood. [Ah-Choo!] SciFri dld.bz/JgwB
josephpaper says
13 years ago
Amy Chua on the Colbert Report the other week. Books Nonfiction Parents Chinese dld.bz/NJXt
josephpaper says
13 years ago
Malcolm Potts, Thomas Hayden: "#War and violence are indelibly linked to sex and reproduction." [Sex and War] Books dld.bz/StP8
josephpaper says
13 years ago
Joshua Foer: "..it wasn't so long ago that culture depended on individual memories." [#Moonwalking.. Einstein] Books dld.bz/PMKK
josephpaper says
13 years ago
Jonathan Alter: "#Obama dented more immovable barriers than any president..." [The Promise] Nonfiction Books dld.bz/P6DR
josephpaper says
13 years ago
Michio Kaku: "It was once thought that laser beams were impossible to create.." [#Physics of the Impossible] Books dld.bz/PQUN
josephpaper says
13 years ago
Weapons buyer for U.S. air force commits suicide following accusations he had accepted kickbacks.. Contractor Books dld.bz/Q8Ee