11Friends 39Fans
female Cengkareng, Indonesia
I'm a RAINLoveR and MUSICaddict. ^^v

JQtheRAINLoveR says
10 years ago
Kebiasaan buruk gw adalah berprasangka buruk tentang segala hal. Mungkin karena gw terlalu terbuka pada segala kemungkinan. Sampe2 hal sekecil ini aja bisa bikin gw kecewa. sigh
JQtheRAINLoveR says
10 years ago
Kapan ya plurk gw rame lagi? Kangeeeennnn.
JQtheRAINLoveR says
11 years ago
I hate this kind of feeling. Lonely in this rainy day... Having a boyfriend, but never really feel his presence in my life these days.
JQtheRAINLoveR says
11 years ago
But I think it will just be in my dream.
JQtheRAINLoveR says
11 years ago
At times like this, I really want him to be by my side, hug me, kiss me, and say that everything's gonna be okay.
JQtheRAINLoveR says
11 years ago
I miss that moments when I felt loved so much. Maaannn... I'm just like Na Eun! I love guys who are expressive. :-D
JQtheRAINLoveR says
11 years ago
And sometimes I miss the times when I didn't know you, when I was surrounded by older people who love me and protect me like no one else would.
JQtheRAINLoveR says
11 years ago
I really miss that moments when Plurk was a really special site for us to freely express our feelings to each other.
11 years ago
Lagi bener2 ga pengen dihubungin sm tu org, tapi dia malah hub gw terus. Duhhhh
JQtheRAINLoveR says
11 years ago
haruskah gw ke psikolog? Gw kgk ngerasa normal.