13Friends 104Fans
male Cebu, Philippines
I'm Justfellasleep or Dson,
Really just want to SLEEP most of the time,
Loves ANIME and MANGA (not the fruit),
and to do ART stuff c:,
wants to get KARMA points...
justfellasleep says
12 years ago
awesome day is gonna be awesome >:-D
justfellasleep says
12 years ago
been a while now XD
justfellasleep says
12 years ago
tired and will work on personal projects tomorrow /(/_/)/
justfellasleep says
12 years ago
LoL day :-D
justfellasleep says
12 years ago
burning disk o.o
justfellasleep says
12 years ago
LoL of today :-D
justfellasleep says
12 years ago
1 more level to go :-D
justfellasleep says
12 years ago
tomorrow another day of fun
justfellasleep says
12 years ago
another avenger's screening in IMAX :-D
justfellasleep says
12 years ago
avengers = <3