David C.
20Friends 167Fans
male Manila, Philippines
I stretch my hand towards you, what will you do?
A. Stare at it
B. Look away
C. Slap it off
D. Take it

We have choices. Make your move. Don't regret.

Ask me anything, I'll ask you everything.
David C.
14 years ago
So, with that premise (again courtesy of my sister's enlightening words), God Bless to us test-takers!
David C.
14 years ago
Seems I've been ignorantly insulting people with saying "Good luck". As my sis said, luck is for the unprepared and solely wishful.
David C.
14 years ago
The Kindly Ones had finally stopped hounding us for the moment. We lived through them once, we can live through them again and again.
David C.
14 years ago
Yet another chance in life to look down from the high steps, eyes prying for shadows of distant stone steps we found comfortable long ago.
David C.
14 years ago
I swear I know I'm walking a correct path, but why am I not growing as planned? (The other poisons along the road made me mutate, I think).
David C.
14 years ago
1st week: I learned that med school is a snake that coils around the body and injects calculated venom (lethal only to the weak at heart).
David C.
14 years ago
Just less than 12 hours away. Tick tock, and I must forsake the majority of the things that I enjoy. WRAUGH!!! MEEEED SCHOOL!!!!
David C.
14 years ago
I'm an adult with a child's shadow. I seek fortunes and formulas, but around the edges, candies and caresses means everything.
David C.
14 years ago
If honesty is such a beautiful, sparkled thing, why does the words "brutal honesty" exist and the phrase "the truth hurts"?
David C.
14 years ago
Brutal self-honesty: I'm open to any advice except to my father's. (Let the child be stupid for the moment. Let's wait after he gets kids).