15Friends 5Fans
female Davao, Philippines
i'm a happy go lucky nobody who simply loves life and its so called challenges...:3
keilahmi says
13 years ago 1
its been a while..:3
keilahmi says
15 years ago
karma my ass..just dropped by plurk...:3
keilahmi says
15 years ago
plates make the archi world go round... B-)...:3
keilahmi says
15 years ago
karma shmarma....i don't have the rock on thingy anymore... (bye)...:3
keilahmi says
15 years ago
i don't care about any other events...there is only ONE i always look forward to every 1st sem....ARKI ACQUAINTANCE PARTY!!.. (dance).:3
keilahmi says
15 years ago
some lines when crossed,u can't even take one step choice but to move forward... :-)..i'm walking,i'm walking!...:3
keilahmi says
15 years ago
i realized symbolic man dai ang blue bracelet i'm wearing. i've given it to 5 pipol i trust through the years...thanx guys... :-)...:3
keilahmi says
15 years ago
YOU HAD ME AT HELLO---- it happened to me too!!!... (K)...:3
keilahmi says
15 years ago
school in 2 days....BAON!BAON!BAON!.... (dance)...:3
keilahmi says
15 years ago
...forgive me if i don't remember the details anymore...i don't keep grudges... i want to have a clean slate...peace out :-) ...:3