83Friends 11Fans
male keelung, Taiwan
我是肥肥甫 says
12 years ago
sort of suffering from insomnia......Maybe, I need do more exercise....:-o
我是肥肥甫 says
12 years ago
我是肥肥甫 says
12 years ago 2
the weather today is fine and comfortable but I can just stay home....
我是肥肥甫 says
12 years ago 9
It's been a long time since I signed in plurk last time......Wow! My karma got zero! ha~ (LOL)
我是肥肥甫 says
12 years ago
so tired........
我是肥肥甫 says
12 years ago
it's not that cold in Danshui.:-)
我是肥肥甫 says
12 years ago 3
raining cats and dogs but it doesn't matter to me at all. just listening some good songs and browsing my friends' lives on Facebook! :-D
我是肥肥甫 shares
12 years ago
Sound of Music ~ My Favorite Things ~ LyricsSound of Music ~ My Favorite Things ~ Lyrics
a pleasant song of The Sound of Music! 好懷念! 最後一次看這部電影,是小學時的事了! :-))
我是肥肥甫 says
12 years ago 5
該好好照顧我的plurk了! Karma從93掉到0... :-o
13 years ago 3
karma從93下降到只剩15... :'-(