7Friends 9Fans
male Tokyo, Japan
simple but cute lols :-P
wAnt tO cHat w/ mE?
aDd mE up @ yM

( killer_smile_ng_pc11 )
**ken's timeline, updated by www.plurk.com/sHamiii** *time check: 9: 05 pm* :-D
**ken's timeline updated by www.plurk.com/sHamiii** *time check: 5:36 pm* (bye)
**updated timeline by www.plurk.com/sHamiii** *time check: 11:58 pm* (bye)
Ωk¡¬¬e®_sm¡¬eΩ shares
15 years ago
mY FB nkew (dance) add nyo kEw.... ( killer_smile_ng_pc11@yah... ) (dance)
**www.plurk.com/sHamiii will deplurk nah** *www.plurk.com/sHamiii will be back to her account* :-D
Ωk¡¬¬e®_sm¡¬eΩ needs
15 years ago 1
**fans and friends** *updated by www.plurk.com/sHamiii* :-D