Weather has been complete crap today. But P3P showed up! I might start it once I've 100%'d Kenka Bancho.
Persona 2 is coming out! Sweeeeeet. I'm wondering if it's only the one that was unreleased. It probably is and that sucks because...
My karma fell a lot. Anyway...
My words are magic because all of the games arrived today. XD
I wish my games would get here already...
Got some good deals on some games a few days ago, but totally missed out on P3P. I have a feeling I'll never get that one at a good price.
My karma is fluctuating badly.
You know, I think plurk is more for RPers and people that use Second Life. I don't do either of those anymore. Do kinda miss rp-ing though.
I forgot about plurk. Oh well. Living it up in doujinshi land.