277Friends 135Fans
female Tucson, AZ, United States
knitter, spinner, needleworker, cat & bunny owner

My Ravelry ID is knittingbunnies,
Read about my adventures at
knittingkitties says
9 years ago 9
I'm home. Horrible day. I had post nasal congestion kept gagging me all day while trying to take those 270 calls. :-&
knittingkitties says
9 years ago 7
good morning headed back to work.
knittingkitties says
9 years ago 2
good night
knittingkitties says
9 years ago 4
watered the garden thoroughly in an attempt to ward off the eventual burn down. Supposed to be up to triple digits by the weekend.
9 years ago 4
made it through another day of work and day 7 of the crud.
knittingkitties says
9 years ago 10
Good morning it's off to work I go.
knittingkitties says
9 years ago 5
taking myself to bed early so I can do it all again tomorrow.
knittingkitties says
9 years ago 9
Day 6 of this horrible upper respiratory crud. Took 270 calls at the call center today. To make it worse the state Pharmacy Board was there.
knittingkitties says
9 years ago 2
someone banged the pots and pans and heated up last weeks leftovers. Not me.
knittingkitties says
9 years ago 6
Home from work. It seems everyone at home just vegged out while I was gone.