277Friends 135Fans
female Tucson, AZ, United States
knitter, spinner, needleworker, cat & bunny owner

My Ravelry ID is knittingbunnies,
Read about my adventures at
knittingkitties says
9 years ago 2
headed to bed. I could use a day off from my day off.
knittingkitties says
9 years ago 7
Charlie has kennel cough. The vet said the shelter did a horrible job of the neuter incision. We came home with anti-biotics.
knittingkitties says
9 years ago 3
Grrr, last night feeding dog at the table, tonight he begs while we are eating. The asshole roommate is upset when I said if we don't feed at the table he won't beg.
knittingkitties says
9 years ago 5
good morning. (wave) I got the whole day off so I can take Charlie to the vet. (dance)
knittingkitties says
9 years ago 4
good night. I have to take Charlie to the vet tomorrow. Woke up with kennel cough yesterday.
knittingkitties says
9 years ago 7
Charlie doesn't beg at the table, or I should say didn't. My one roommate had the night off and I bragged on how Charlie would lay down and go to sleep while we had dinner.
knittingkitties says
9 years ago 5
I got the (dance)
knittingkitties says
9 years ago 3
waves. Long day at work. Forgot to take my allergy pills. All perfume had me congested and choking all day.
knittingkitties shares
9 years ago 12

I endured the heat for several hours to go rescue this guy from the shelter. We named him Charlie.
knittingkitties says
9 years ago 5
waves hello. I didn't feel well, Friday, came home from work and zoned out. Saturday I was busy out in the heat.