going to see 2NE1 in Osaka. Then maybe she'll visit Sakura's house after... the young woman has been at Alicia's-- prime time for house
knocking on Mei's door. She's in an admittedly too-sexy-for-Christmas Santa inspired outfit- skirt too short and tall black boots. She's
swinging her feet off the edge of the counter. She's waiting for her cookies to be done.
[Event 1] is putting on a very nice show in the adult only tent.
[Event 1] is in her full belly dancing attire, humming eagerly. She liked putting on shows.
went to a Super Junior concert in Osaka. She was amused that Sakura liked her groups so much--even if Sakura wouldn't admit it.
hiding under her blankets. I-it's storming outside and it's scary...!
sitting in front of her TV, tearful and squirmy. She just watched one of her favorite movies. Ghosts. Lesbians. Bittersweet ending.
[Event 2] is hanging around campus lawn, computer blaring K-pop from her spot on the grass.