34Friends 56Fans
female San Jose, CA, United States
Once you've come out as a pagan, bisexual, married leatherdyke, everything else in life is that much easier.*

(Okay, so I have a button that says that. It's the best I can do with 250 characters.)

* Allegedly.
K`shandra is
15 years ago
*&^%$#@! exhausted.
K`shandra is
15 years ago 4
hungry. :-P
K`shandra is
15 years ago 1
taking advantage of her mother's air conditioning AND her washer & dryer. :-D
K`shandra is
15 years ago
home from class and has eaten dinner.
K`shandra has
15 years ago
bagged up a disturbing amount of laundry. o.O
K`shandra is
15 years ago
home from the vampires and trying to get motivated.
K`shandra has
15 years ago
returned home early from the Giants game; the pitching SUCKED and we lost 10-4.
K`shandra has
15 years ago 5
K`shandra needs
15 years ago 3
to fix dinner.
K`shandra wants
15 years ago 1
an ice cream delivery service, damnit.