11Friends 7Fans
male France
J'aime glandouiller et méditer..
I'm still here
to search ,to seek,to find and to yield !
Kyom says
11 years ago
he lost in encheres about Leopard 10.5
Kyom says
11 years ago
he see nothing nobody on your timeline this morning !i'll be back to twiitter !
11 years ago
don't be watch my faults !
11 years ago
although i'm frenchman ,i try to write , to share ,to unterstand ours emotional lifes,or rather to live our owns lifes properly
Kyom was
11 years ago
trying to write a right english.
Kyom was
11 years ago
going for a walk althought bad weather but the flowers were really charmed
Kyom wants
11 years ago
unterstand why timeline is indicated 23 October
Kyom feels
11 years ago
Kyom wonders
11 years ago 1
what does it mean belieber .
12 years ago
going to lay down