2Friends 0Fans
female Marathon, FL, United States
Hi, I'm Alexis. I am single and I think its staying that way for awhile. I like to read. I find interests in little things. I have other things to do. Talk to me? :-)
lalalexx is
15 years ago
with Kaite! :-D
lalalexx is
15 years ago
going to go read and then sleeep :-))
lalalexx is
15 years ago
tiredd :-P
lalalexx is
15 years ago
really hungry!
15 years ago
just got home from softball practice. :-)
lalalexx feels
15 years ago
she wants to visit California ;-)
lalalexx loves
15 years ago
the Uglies series :-)
lalalexx thinks
15 years ago
FCATs are laaame.