83Friends 14Fans
female Atlanta, GA, United States
I teach 6th grade social studies and language arts on a 21st Technology Team in Georgia. I am looking to collaborate with others about technology in the classroom.
lauratec wonders
12 years ago
is anyone else starting the new teacher evaluation system this year?
lauratec wonders
12 years ago 3
is anyone doing the new Race to the Top teacher evaluation system?
lauratec wonders
13 years ago
have you seen this?
lauratec wonders
13 years ago 4
about the ring of fire.
lauratec wonders
13 years ago
does anyone have a power point from their school district about how special education is ran in the school district? Looking for a link.
lauratec wonders
13 years ago
does everyone feel overwhelmed going into the fourth nine weeks, state testing, report cards, and make up days for the snow days?
lauratec wonders
13 years ago 8
Australia is suppose to have a cyclone 5 hit tomorrow. Ideas for project based learning or technology to use to work with cause and effect
lauratec wonders
13 years ago 2
is anyone using a mimio board in the classroom?
lauratec wonders
13 years ago 1
has anyone used atomic learning?