just another friday, just another day dove mutes me on skype with her boob...
Dove, be careful with that 2 pound weight, you workout gorilla!
dove does the best beavis and butthead impression ever!
the "not paying taxes for 10 years" experiment has come to an end..
my karma is going up faster than doves blood pressure when she talks politics..
dove, if you ever loved me.....
who thinks dove is a butthole?....and would it swerve your opinion if you heard she called me one?...me, of all people?...
autumn sucks at being OFF the internet....lies.
ive been back only a few minutes, and already ive got dove telling me "dont say that to winter"..."be nice to autumn".."be nice to brandy"..
mixing booze and aspirin is an adequate replacement for going to the dentist..