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Taipei, Taiwan
ledming 需要
8 years ago
2016 Auto LED New Product-智明電子2016年新產品-設計散熱為主要技術-用高亮度LED組合,光效高,高品質產品.OEM,專業代工廠-已經營30年的經驗.
Chiming LED Auto bulbs LED [email protected]
ledming 需要
8 years ago
日本Lexus LS600H汽車是首先採用日亞LED頭燈的車廠,合作的七年間從無任何消費者有車燈壞掉的問題。另一方面,BMW則採用日亞的雷射二極體用於車燈照明。
Chiming LED Auto bulbs LED [email protected]
ledming 推荐
8 years ago
(chiming LED電子公司)---LED光照技術可透過光質/光量的差異,調控農作物在不同階段的植株成長狀況、農作物產期/產量,以及蔬果品質、機能性成分的含量,同時亦可防制病蟲害、延長採收後的保鮮期。LED食物保存
Chiming LED Auto bulbs LED
Automotive LED Bulbs,Auto LED bulbs,Train LED
ledming 推荐
8 years ago
chiming LED電子公司---科羅拉多州立大學(CSU)和飛利浦照明簽訂長期合作,合作在大學裡成立植物LED照明的教育、研究和訓練單位。
Chiming LED Auto bulbs LED
Automotive LED Bulbs
ledming 推荐
8 years ago
chiming LED電子公司---蔬果中的多酚在UV LED光照射下更能保鮮,USDA研究中,某些蔬果上架壽命在UV LED光照下提升兩倍。尤其是草莓在UV LED照射下,較其他蔬果而言,大幅延長架上壽命。
Chiming LED Auto bulbs LED
ledming 推荐
8 years ago
chiming electronics company --- (AUTO LED) laser headlamps in particular, has advantages in terms of volume, the length of the single LD element may have done 10 microns, only 1/100 of the size
ledming 推荐
8 years ago
(AUTO LED) BMW said luminance color temperature laser headlights are supported by research and irradiation effects in line with the human visual habits. Although the headlight has a high brightness and light
ledming 推荐
8 years ago
chiming electronics companies-time charge of vanadium battery, battery life of up to 1000 km, the charging time of only 3 minutes to 5 minutes, the cost is the cost of lithium batteries 24V 40% from life
ledming 推荐
8 years ago
Chiming LED Auto bulbs LED
Automotive LED Bulbs,Auto LED bulbs,Train LED Bulbs
ledming 推荐
8 years ago
chiming Electronics Company - Laser - when applied energy to the electric field, photon, chemical, etc. spontaneous include: frequency, phase, the forward direction will be the same to produce laser light.