0Friends 1Fans
female Waterville, MN, United States
lhoasis says
12 years ago
Starting the biz day at Social Media Breakfast, look forward to hearing from Carleen Wild & Leigh Mills. smbmad
lhoasis says
12 years ago
Speaking today to Small Business School today @ Grainger Hall.
lhoasis says
12 years ago
Nic & I need new windows, I found some but need help installing, any referrals for window installers?
lhoasis says
12 years ago
I love summer mornings, I need some patio furniture, anyone have anything to donate?
lhoasis says
12 years ago
Patience is key in all relationships!
lhoasis says
12 years ago
Cost to fill gas tank $48
8 lattes $24
Parking meter $2.90
The chance to coach 8 college grads to start there our business. $priceless
lhoasis says
12 years ago
The pontoon is back in business, who is ready for the Oasis on the Water?
lhoasis says
12 years ago
Strolling in Salt Lake City, what a beautiful city, clean, nice people but no happy hour?!
lhoasis says
12 years ago
Happy mothers day to all your devoted moms!
lhoasis says
12 years ago
Good morning Super Sat! I saw avengers last nite, that black widow sure kicks but, only one with out super powers, except that shes a girl!