5Friends 7Fans
female Taipei, Taiwan
linda_muchacha says
14 years ago
I am expecting the one who can share the life with i miss u
linda_muchacha says
14 years ago
thank you My Lord gives me strength and blesses my family with peace in this struggling period.
linda_muchacha says
15 years ago
I am still stuck with my situation now. But I should keep "HOPE" for my future, cos I am a changing girl would like to upgrade in every way.
linda_muchacha says
15 years ago
如何隨時保持積極樂觀的態度面對自己所面臨的一切事務? 還真不容易? 那又如何去鼓舞他人? 要自己擁有才給的出去,所以要鼓舞他人必須先鼓舞自己才是~喃喃自語中 :-P
linda_muchacha says
15 years ago
linda_muchacha shares
15 years ago
Treata man as if he already were what he potentially could be, and you make him he what he should be.(Goethe)你待人彷若他已是他潛在能力能達到的樣子,你就會讓他成為應應有的
linda_muchacha says
15 years ago
i have a strange feeling about moving into my new home. Expecting...
linda_muchacha says
15 years ago
it's quite good about go to oversea somewhere, then come back to taipei fulfill energy.
linda_muchacha says
15 years ago
finally I can access facebook, yahoo taiwan and plurk again. Happy.......I came back into free world. :-D
linda_muchacha says
15 years ago 1
i will go to Beijing tomorrow and hope can meet someone good there.