17Friends 19Fans
female Singapore
Linda says
15 years ago
okay, I'm confirm of changing to Twitter. Bye, Plurk! :-D
Linda says
15 years ago 1
that Plurk sucks big time. Might be changing to Twitter. :\
Linda is
15 years ago
happy. Because she just saw her Karma went up! ^^
Linda says
15 years ago
that she needs money! Because her school shoes is spoilt! :-( And it's time to buy a new one. Awwww~
Linda loves
15 years ago
life right now. :-P
Linda feels
15 years ago
happy! (LOL)
Linda says
15 years ago
that my computer is able to use Plurk again! Yayness! :-D
Linda says
15 years ago 1
bye to Plurk. ;-)
Linda wishes
15 years ago 1
Amanda a Happy 15th birthday! :-D Hope she enjoys today.
Linda is
15 years ago
hungry. :-D