to concentrate, focus and concentrate...
jumping from one overdue project to the next.. Hayzz..
catching up on the last two years of movies that I wanted to watch but missed for various reasons...
like someone has slept on my chest the whole night...
still in two minds about 'The Gates'.It feels like it's running out of steam like most supernatural tv shows,but still hoping for something.
the eureka/warehouse 13 crossover of fargo/claudia.It's a buffy/angel cliche,but fargo/claudia is cute in a geeky way...
where the days are going and why there's never enough of them to do everything you want to do. Whoever invented time can suck ass...
money and hopes to get it with a minimum of effort.
that it's all work today, but can't see a way out...
he doesn't give a shit about most things in this world..