21Friends 10Fans
female Philippines
bright. my name as translated. haha
laine says
12 years ago 1
why turn off lights only during Earth Hour? Back at home, my mother always tells us to turn off lights when watching TV, like in moviehouses
laine is
12 years ago 1
sleepy. Nothing to do at the office. Actually madami pala. hahaha :-P
laine is
12 years ago
back to plurking ;-)
13 years ago
sakit. :-(
laine is
13 years ago 1
now watching Hachiko: A Dog's Story. if we have met, i would have kept him. so cute.
13 years ago 3
miss you.
laine says
13 years ago
Love, you're so distracting. Am I overreacting for feeling this way? :3 haha (music)
laine says
13 years ago
fresh buko, halo-halo, breath-taking scenes, super run-walk-climb, a faint heart attack :-P cool breeze, some sun burn. OH YEAH :-))
laine says
13 years ago
failure is not a crime. repeat them once and another more time, then that is crime. oh yeah, this one falls on the same category. *sigh...
laine hates
13 years ago
it! such a BAD performance!!!! try to be responsible ellaine! what the h*ll!!!! (tears)