2Friends 10Fans
male New Baltimore, MI, United States
ltsiver is
16 years ago
ltsiver feels
16 years ago
old. I'm 31 today.
16 years ago
time to get ready for work
ltsiver says
16 years ago
Red wings win!!! woohoo!
ltsiver is
16 years ago
going to watch netflix now. signing off!
ltsiver thinks
16 years ago
this website is a time-suck.
16 years ago
yup plurk is broke. my karma has gone up, but when I mark things as read, it says I have more unread. Way to go leolaporte!
16 years ago
i've unfollowed and unfriended jeffmac and refollowed jeffmac and his messages show up in my timeline 3 times!
16 years ago
the threading is interesting.
ltsiver is
16 years ago
not sure if the karma system on here is actually good