2Friends 69Fans
male Oklahoma City, OK, United States
mac feels
13 years ago
You can do ANYTHING. You can go ANYWHERE. We hear it all the time. But holy smokes, when you realize it's true trying to decide is a bitch!
mac says
14 years ago 1
hello again plurk
15 years ago
There is nothing fast or slow, but thinking makes it so.
mac is
15 years ago 1
courting a swiss volleyball team
15 years ago 1
wonders: should positions of tedious labour, which machines can perform, really be preserved in the name of job creation?
mac on
15 years ago
dial-up for the first time in *years*... that modem sound was retro :-)
15 years ago 2
By reading this, you have given me brief control of your mind.
15 years ago
underestimated the local museum of transport & technology... back soon for more!
15 years ago 3
... done at last with the big clean up after the night before... had some help :-)