13Friends 6Fans
female cottage country, ON, Canada
EWE2 is my mommy

3yrs old so that is 21 human years
fav pasttime is neighbourhood watch in hall window
Love kitties they make good friends
fav toy is sqweekey duck
love my family they would not function without me
I love Saurkraute (hones
maggiedog says
12 years ago 5
Good morning, yawn timefor a nap, gotta keep up my quota
maggiedog says
13 years ago 2
ewe2s DS2 has a new doggie I have a neice!!! who hoo!!! a dutch shephard and such a love
maggiedog says
13 years ago 3
ewe2's DS2is getting anew dog on saturday, doe thatmake me Auntie Maggie-dog??? ohanditis a boy
maggiedog says
13 years ago 4
HELLO EVERYBODY-EWE2 hasnt let me come play for a while
maggiedog says
13 years ago 1
Ewe2is homeohgoody play ball??
maggiedog says
13 years ago 6
morning one and all I haz pilesof treats, funeral food I think. doggie next door never came home her master gave me her food
maggiedog says
13 years ago 1
momtofamilyof5 havent been on too much doggie nappingso sent request back to you
maggiedog says
13 years ago 3
Hi havent been allowed on for a whileewe2 forgets to put it where I can reach,her supper was good yumm
maggiedog says
13 years ago 5
am all ready to play and gotto go to bed hmp!
maggiedog says
13 years ago 7
I am back bark!!! ewe2 haz a nice toy but doesnt like to share!!!