'im finding it ironic the song I'm obsessing over at the moment is entitled cool with you. myself would be so proud!hahaha..
I really REALLY want to listen to some acoustic songs right now. Damn my lack of internetzx! dagdag brownout pa!!!=(=(
My mother just asked how to spell "rapping" whilst attempting to throw gang signs.i hav nvr laughed so hard in my life.galing nmn!Hahaha
theres a rrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaather posh english fellooooooooowwwwwwwww. whom "won't move onto the baked bean course" mr. bean help!!!!
So far so good. The Automatic get my applause. Even their macabre hipster attire. hehe
santa!!!lol...tenkyu sooooo much!♥=*)*
heeeyyya...merry Christmas to all of you♥=)