14Friends 3Fans
male Taipei, Taiwan
I fully believe in gender equality. So, I'm dedicated to giving men a say in that equality -- its not just about what women want.

Favourite quote:
We must now grant to fathers the same right to be in the family as we have granted to women in the
male_view asks
14 years ago 1
why do women spend so much time lying about themselves....then get mad when you don't know who they "really" are??
male_view asks
14 years ago 1
does anyone ever really read these things...or just write their own stuff?
male_view says
14 years ago
may main topic of interest is gender equality from the male perspective. But lately i've been debating against death penalty on facebook.
14 years ago
notices Clinton calling for more schools for girls. The USA helps fund women-only schools worldwide. So I guess boys don't need education??
male_view says
14 years ago
i guess its National Women's Month in the USA. Many women on CNN talking about fighting for "equality" but really just want more privileges.
male_view asks
14 years ago
why do feminists always to use gender-neutral terms like "domestic violence" when they really only care about what happens *TO* women??
male_view asks
14 years ago
Is it just me or has PLURK been experiencing problems. My "responded to" timeline is gone! :-(
male_view asks
14 years ago
Does anyone really ever read these things?
male_view asks
14 years ago
male_view thinks
14 years ago
its so annoying when worklife gets in the way of having a life.....