52Friends 95Fans
male Quezon City, Philippines
I. am. Marty.
martyness says
16 years ago 11
school's finally over for 2008. :-D
martyness is
16 years ago 7
watching a youtube vid on how to tie a necktie. haha I STILL DONT KN (LOL)W HOW.
martyness is
16 years ago
going out for a formal dinner with FNC at The Fort tonight. :-) :-)
martyness says
16 years ago 18
OMGod, my karma went back to 0.00. LOL Should I plurk again? :-S :-o
martyness has
16 years ago 3
finally transferred to his new home, again. ;-)
martyness says
16 years ago 12
hello plurk again! haha :-D
martyness says
16 years ago 1
omg! what's up with the comments on my last plurk. haha :-))
martyness says
16 years ago 21
plurk is no longer exciting for him. :'-(
martyness is
16 years ago 5
stuck at home. (tears)
martyness says
16 years ago 9
oh no! my karma went down for the first time. help! haha :-(