3Friends 6Fans
female Birmingham, AL, United States
mcintyre has
15 years ago
arrived home. Had a great trip to Austin. Very glad to be back home.
mcintyre has
15 years ago
to take the car to be serviced. I am starting out to Austin tomorrow. Plan on driving halfway tomorrow and arriving Monday.
mcintyre thinks
15 years ago
drinking coffee & reading Claire McCaskill's twitter posts on senate stimulus action. tinyurl.com/ak4tab
mcintyre is
16 years ago
good morning. Heat is working, all is well.
mcintyre is
16 years ago
finally warming up.
mcintyre is
16 years ago
very cold. It is only 18 degrees outside. Doesn't seem that much warmer at my desk. :'-(
mcintyre has
16 years ago
just finished a newsletter for work.
mcintyre says
16 years ago
good morning.
mcintyre thinks
16 years ago
it's a conspiracy. I am trying to keep my weight over the holidays and we keep getting food here at work. Who can resist free food?(hungry)
mcintyre is
16 years ago
enjoying a nice quite morning at work.