If you're trying to conceive a baby, it is helpful to know when exactly your are ovulation. The ovulation predictor can give you the information you need to know. Ovulation Predictor
Common chromosomal conditions, such as trisomy 18, can cause a host of problems for your developing baby. Fortunately, there are screening options available to determine chances your baby will be born with one. Trisomy-18
With Carrier Screening, a little planning and a simple blood test, you can determine your chances of having a baby with a genetic condition long before he or she is conceived. Carrier Screening Test Process: What to Expect
When you're expecting, you need clarity. Determine the genetic health of your baby most accurately through a safe, and non-invasive test. The Non-Invasive Prenatal Test (NIPT) offered by Claria provides expecting parents with their baby’s most conclusive, genetic information. https://goo.gl/m9Nn18
Down Syndrome is an unexpected action, can cause your baby to have physical and mental delays. It can be determine with NIPT and save your baby from chromosomal conditions like down syndrome (trisomy 21), patau syndrome (trisomy 13), edwards syndrome (trisomy 18). For more information please visit: Three types of down syndrome
Before you decide to take a DNA test, genetic counselling can help you get a better understanding of the process and what exactly the test will screen for. medgenomeclariaindia
If you're pregnant, you may be considering non-invasive prenatal testing. Knowing just how accurate NIPT is may help you decide. For more information please visit: How Accurate is Genetic Testing During Pregnancy?
Over a million babies are born each year in India with genetic disorders and over 20 to 30% of all infant deaths are due to genetic disorders. Some of the most common inherited genetic disorders seen in India are congenital adrenal hyperplasia, glucose-6-phosphate degydrigenase (G6PD), neuromuscular disorders, cystic fibrosis, etc. A Webinar on Carrier Screening Test by MedGenome Cla...