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7 months ago
everyday is valentines day if u are a fool and have love in yourheart
7 months ago
The purest form of love is consideration. When someone thinks about how things would make you feel. Pays attention to detail. Holds you in regard when making decisions that could affect you. In any bond, how much they care about you can be found in how much they consider you
7 months ago 1
fuck beauty standards. someone looking at you with love in their eyes is the most beautiful thing in the world.
7 months ago
moon is so beautiful, even the word is so pretty and has such a lovely compound words like: moonlight, moonflower, honeymoon, moondust
8 months ago
moon is so beautiful, even the word is so pretty and has such a lovely compound words like: moonlight, moonflower, honeymoon, moondust
8 months ago
fuck beauty standards. someone looking at you with love in their eyes is the most beautiful thing in the world.
10 months ago
know who you are, realize your beauty. you're special.
10 months ago
does anyone else have a disease where they only ever want to watch movies they've already seen and loved
10 months ago
Finding peace in letting things be as they are.
10 months ago
oversharing online is so important cus like what if someone needed to know that