19Friends 139Fans
male Lincoln University, PA, United States
16 years ago 4
going to bed!
16 years ago 1
doing a test post from ping.fm
16 years ago
I'm going to bed. I downloaded about 5 gbs ofmusic tonight. I feel accomplished.
16 years ago 1
I want a new car really badly. Started looking alittle today.
mikekochansky is
16 years ago
testing out feedtweeter
16 years ago 3
every once in a while I pop in to Plurk...and then normally pop right back out
mikekochansky is
16 years ago 2
iPhone 3G July 11th...I don't want to wait that long
mikekochansky is
16 years ago
still have not gotten into plurk, but if twitter fails for WWDC tomorrow, aside from RSS feeds, ill be checking here
mikekochansky is
16 years ago
3G iPhone Removable Battery? is.gd/r9E
mikekochansky is
16 years ago
headed to bed...I don't know about you Plurk