85Friends 32Fans
female Aurora, IL, United States
ICE member, junior high Spanish teacher, yearbook adviser; looking to network with other educators interested in technology
10 years ago
I'm working on a LaVerne course: Creating a Google Apps Classroom. Most of the tasks are tedious, but I am learning a few new things.
missnielson wonders
10 years ago 3
if I still have any friends on Plurk...I've not signed in since 2010. Doh!
missnielson hopes
15 years ago 6
to find her way back to Plurk
missnielson needs
15 years ago 4
camera suggestions. I want a nice one for shooting sports from a distance. Price doesn't matter (as I have a surplus in my yearbook account)
missnielson says
15 years ago 8
drive-by Plurk...returned from MN last night; had company today; now packing to leave tomorrow for FL
missnielson asks
15 years ago 4
what can I use to make 1 .jpg out of 4 photos? (I have a MacBook Pro but do not have Photoshop.)
missnielson says
15 years ago 4
(gym) time for a good workout
missnielson says
15 years ago 10
I put my workout clothes on tonight but never made it to the gym. (doh) Guess that means I have to sleep in them & workout in the morning.
missnielson says
15 years ago
going to breakfast meeting at IHOP. Wonder how productive it will be... (thinking)
missnielson says
15 years ago 2
Cubs in 1st place after sweeping the Reds! (dance) (Let me dance, please, as we know this won't last long.)