28Friends 27Fans
Princessa was
15 years ago
pretty excited about the Korea trip. Now... Chances are they're not going to let me go even though they're not paying for it.
Princessa has
15 years ago
a secret to tell... Did you know that... Andystorm... is... *ahem*
Princessa says
15 years ago
stupid and blind - perfect combo. What more can one ask for? Virtues only the ugly stepsisters can possess.
Princessa hopes
15 years ago
the ugly stepsisters like the column I made specially for them! Thank you for being my loyal readers! :-)
Princessa thinks
15 years ago
it's not worth the effort.
Princessa thinks
15 years ago
common sense is beyond the ugly stepsisters' ability.
Princessa thinks
15 years ago
that it's a waste of company resources to send people that CAN'T LEARN to a workshop.
Princessa is
15 years ago
back at work... Let the torment begin.
Princessa wonders
15 years ago
how some people manage to find so much time gossiping, badmouthing and finding fault? I suggest they spend more time going facial.
Princessa has
15 years ago
found online trace of the new (temp) writer's existence. Why is MySpace in Chinese?