147Friends 88Fans
female Second life
In a world filled with artistic snobbery, I am here to just put out stuff. I pretty much am talking to myself, with inside jokes. If you want to come along, I don't mind
Often AFK (away from keyboard)
Doesn't know how to be much else than herself
mocksoup is
12 years ago 4
looking for an inexpensive BB cream that doesn't have mercury or mineral oil in it. Surprisingly harder than it should be. :/
12 years ago 7
Tracer: You know what you need is some temp rezz scripted breedable Mormon spirit babies.
mocksoup shares
12 years ago 2 And this too <3
mocksoup shares
12 years ago 4 I maded some stuffs
13 years ago 2
craves bbq
mocksoup shares
13 years ago 2
is pretty sure Lourdes
is trying to make me buy out the local bakery with her nommable plurks.
13 years ago 5
quotes Tracer "Yeah, but I don't think it's sex cow" #thingsthatmakesenseinSL
mocksoup is
13 years ago 39
wondering why you need to be catty on the SYS thread... It's kinda mean and not at all awesome.
13 years ago 13
really wishes the 3 year old would stop drinking the coffee creamer.
mocksoup is
13 years ago 4
now almost not sick~