26Friends 11Fans
female Utica, MI, United States
I'm a wife, grani, momi, debi, and a knitter (my greatest hobby). I'm hoping to find some of my friends here, too.
momidebi says
16 years ago
back to work you silly girl! That's the problem with working on my computer from home. No one to catch me sloughing off!
momidebi has
16 years ago 1
puffy eyes this morning. Up tooo late last night and hubby put lots of salt in his dinner I guess! Good morning all.
momidebi has
16 years ago
to go to bed NOW!
momidebi shares
16 years ago 4
momidebi shares
16 years ago 2
my lime green and purple socks if I can figure out
momidebi is
16 years ago 8
gonna figure out how to post a pic tomorrow. CanI use my flickr pics?
momidebi is
16 years ago 5
very tired after a long day at my nephews graduation party. Lots of fun, family, and food! Time for bed!
momidebi feels
16 years ago
real smart that we figured it out SageRiver!
momidebi wants
16 years ago
to find SageRiver but I don't know how.