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5 months ago 47 @Edit 5 months ago
[COMMISSIONS] so for the second time in three months, I find myself at the emergency vet. I should be able to afford this in the moment but not so much the bills coming up at the beginning of the month. DETAILS WITHIN
(thing i forgot, each additional character is +half base price)
ETA: less of an emergency than previously thought! Commissions still open
2 months ago 10
HR lady was able to get my money refunded from my last couple insurance payments YES SON
2 months ago 4
Stank is mega stanky today and we were given a surprise new hire to train. On a monday, which is our busiest day of the week.
2 months ago 14
work's still going to be crushing me for the next couple of months at least, but with the financial stress lightened and thus my over all stress eased I want to try dipping my toes back into RP. What's everyone up to and does it require a blue hedgehog
2 months ago 14
[WORK] this has been an insane week in terms of workload BUT I FINALLY HAVE GOOD NEWS
2 months ago 1
[emo265]This is the busiest week weve had so far, EVERY department is still behind after everyone (except for us lol) had a 4 day weekend, and my help decided he was sick today and "MIGHT NOT" come in
2 months ago 8
One of these days I'll be able to come home from work and not need to lay down for two hours to recover, but today is not that day
2 months ago 23
lmao 'bout to mcFUCKIN lose it. So a little while ago open enrolement for insurance opened and when it did it was explained to us that it was opt in and that since the company changed to a new provider our current coverage wouldnt carry over
2 months ago 10
https://images.plurk.com/7CnW73aGNVCeDtzTU0FuPu.jpg im a pillow
2 months ago 10 @Edit 2 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/53FXQPZbnhUugaAvmDcnZg.png NOW WITH IMAGE
3 months ago 4
My fucking power keeps flickering off and on NOT WHAT I NEED WHEN IT'S 90+ DEGREES OUT and also not what my computer needs jesus christ