Heading to Chicago tomorrow for husband's checkups at the heart transplant center on Thurs, kidney center on Fri. Praying for a good report!
If you looking for a great summer read try, Gone Girl, you won't be able to put it down.
It was great getting to meet some of you at the SSK market.
finally, today I get to go to market day at ssk, must wait till 1:00.
she were going to ssk, the worst is I live in Nashville!
Sorry to knitabulls for being so slow to respond to winning the giveaway! New grandson has kept me busy and a little behind on my podcast!
It's a good day, three more days until retirement! Friends have made me feel very loved!
that I have only 19 days, 3 hours and 30 minutes until I officially retire from my job as Elementary School Library!
the new retro lemon podcast!