78Friends 54Fans
female Afton, VA, United States
I'm a nerdy knitter who is also a nerdy librarian. I have a nerdy husband who is writing a PhD dissertation. We have a completely goobery dog, and live in the mountains of Virginia. My blog is at . Stop by and say "hi."
nerdyknitter says
15 years ago 3
owie! I have a super-duper crappy headache. Hmph! :-& :-( (sick)
nerdyknitter asks
15 years ago 1
did you all hear there was another murder at Virginia Tech last night? So sad. Sigh. :'-(
nerdyknitter loves
15 years ago
green beans with almonds. Thank you, Green Giant!
nerdyknitter is
15 years ago 3
off to a meeting...
nerdyknitter thinks
15 years ago 5
I have a tapeworm--I've been ravenous all day long!
nerdyknitter asks
15 years ago 6
spinners--is it possible to un-ply yarn that's too tightly plied?
nerdyknitter is
15 years ago 3
so excited--I spun enough yarn to ply a whole big, fat bobbin full of yarny goodness! Now to skein it & see how much is there...
nerdyknitter says
15 years ago 1
it's time for a spinning break--my back is sore! But I have a whole bobbin full of pretty blue singles. The pain is worth the gain! :-)
nerdyknitter says
15 years ago
it's weird--I'm sorry it's Friday b/c I have to go back to work after a long vacation, so today is kind of my last day of freedom. Rats!
nerdyknitter is
15 years ago 1
happy to be home for a good long time. Vacation was fun, but boy, are we ready to be home for weeks of nothing more than regular life. Phew!