今日旅行新體驗~在麥當勞的洗手間洗頭……My new travel expirence~ washed hair in M'cdonance
感覺悶悶的~~~ feel kind of depress~~~
有種想停下來的衝動.... at this moment~ wanna stop
多一個人,簡單的事也變的很難! just add one more person, can change simple thing into diffical
只是幾句話,幾個字~還是可以感覺你是同一個人… just few words~ still feel you are the same person I met......
嘴上說要減肥,可一放假就動手做巧克力餅乾… say want to lost weight, but in nonworking day just made cookies..... YUMM
在市場叫賣自製便當換來一份工作~ 讚吶~但時薪低得我不得不找兼差>"< selling homemade food in the market then got a job for that~ beautiful~but pay so low, need a second job
一個人旅行不算勇敢,放下心防接納人才是真正強~travel by youself not a big deal,open your mine taking in that's something!
才進住旅舍,房間鑰匙就不見了…偏偏這間的押金又貴的驚人…just check in, then lost room key in an hour.... and the key deposit scaring high...