44Friends 5Fans
female Vantaa, Finland
Kuningas Noora seikkailee
https://images.plurk.com/7279719_00aedb486cb24a45f203407157979e82.jpg happy sburbween
fuck i want to draw but i am too angry to instead i want to stab the paper then stab my hand and then stab the stab
play minecraft, dad kicks you out of home for it
nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ;_; that is all because i don't know what else to write but i need to express my distress in some way
i684.photobucket.com/alb... nvm me just gonna push eridan in the water
I miss rping :'U
HEY can anyone think of an electronic thing/gadget you could see sollux giving feferi as a gift... come on guys ;_; so far i have gotten
s-some one reblogged that photo of our cosplay group and added
"that Feferi is really pretty asfdgdsg ;A;" ///// S-SO FLATTERED....
Man, I've been off plurk for ages. ;_; Sorry guys!! Hope I didn't miss anything too important? gdjldfj I've been so busy with life and stuff
[pottermore] FINALLY got my username, what are yours? Or just add WildUnicorn86 hahah that's me!